Drink Your Juice from a Fancy Glass, Memoirs of Cancer Survival

Why when life is ending... Do we suddenly see the beauty of clouds... Smell the aroma of jasmine... Love the smile of a stranger....... Breathe in, breathe out, and... Live.
— Sondra Ammeen, Author

Sondra Ammeen Releases Newest Book: Drink Your Juice from a Fancy Glass

This beautiful book combines Sondra’s 4 books into one, entitled, Drink Your Juice from a Fancy Glass. If you admire stories of bravery and courage or you are drawn to the stylistic aspects of contemporary poetry, this book is a perfect easy read. Be sure to check out Amazon to purchase a copy today!

A Funny Thing Happened This book was written to react to the devastation of hearing, "You have Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer."

It's Been a Year. I'm Still Here. An ironic look at what happens when you prepare to die and then you don't. Funny examples of doctor visits that border on ridiculous. We all have experience with doctors and their staff.

Drink Your Juice from a Fancy Glass. From the wonderful things that people say to you to the funny things that happen almost daily.

From Scars to Stars. A poetry book about twenty-four survivors (both men and women) who are positively living with their cancer. They discuss their first symptoms and their attitudes about their care. These are all remarkable people.

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